Lefty Blondie Press Editors' Choice Broadside Series
Open to self-identifying women & non-binary poets
of any age & any publishing history!
Submission Guidelines
Submissions Accepted: October 1 - January 15
​​​Submit up to 3 poems, all in one document
Start each new poem on a new page within the single document
Additional submissions of up to 3 poems per document are welcome! Please pay the $5 submission fee for each separate document upload
No limit on form or topic, though 40 lines or less work better for the broadside format
Previously unpublished poems preferred
Previously published may be considered if author owns copyright and includes acknowledgement in Bio section of submission form
Simultaneous submissions accepted. Please notify us immediately if your poem is accepted elsewhere. ​
The poet of the selected poem will receive 5 (five) author copies & lots of praise, adoration, and promotion through social media, literary festivals, independent booksellers, & any other collaborations LBP seeks out.
Lefty Blondie Press holds first serial rights for work that we publish, and the right to reprint that work in other formats with your permission.
Upon publication, all rights revert to the author.
Please cite Lefty Blondie Press if your poems published with LBP are published elsewhere in the future.