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Shop to Support LBP's mission to promote the work of self-identifying women & non-binary poets

Poems in English & Spanish by Gail Langstroth
Release Date: February 1, 2025 by Lefty Blondie Press
Hand-trimmed, handbound, & hand-numbered
1st printing: limited run 250

Soft cover
36 pages
ISBN: 979-8-9860932-3-9



About Gail Langstroth


Raised under the Big Skies of Montana, Gail Langstroth lived
thirty-eight years in Europe. She is a tri-lingual poet, lecturer,
translator, and international eurythmy performer. Firegarden /
jardín-de-fuego, Get Fresh Books (2020), is her first full-length
collection of poetry. Langstroth is honored to be able to
celebrate Jean Valentine with her bilingual Ghost Friends -
in Praise of Jean Valentine. When not on the road, Gail makes
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania her home.


Criada bajo los Amplios Cielos de Montana, Gail Langstroth
vivió treinta y ocho años en Europa. Es poeta, conferenciante,
traductora, y performer trilingüe de euritmia, conocida
internacionalmente. Firegaden / jardín-de-fuego, Get Fresh Books
(2020), es su primera colección de poesía. Langstroth se siente
honrada de poder celebrar a Jean Valentine con su libro: Duendes
Amigos - Alabanza a Jean Valentine. Cuando no está de viaje,
Gail reside en Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Ghost Friends - In Praise of Jean Valentine / Duendes Amigos

  • “It is a challenge to write in honor of a great poet, especially one as singular and important as Jean Valentine. Gail Langstroth meets the moment with her tribute, Ghost Friends. This is a poem, in ten short parts, about transition and the coming together of worlds. In rich, transporting language Langstroth both honors Valentine and creates her own stunning work. ‘Only three more rivers / to cross...’ she writes, and we follow her.”

    — Anne Marie Macari author of Heaven Beneath

    “In her unroiling motion of lyrics, narrative-riffs, and translation, Langstroth pushes forth her whirling tribute to Jean Valentine. The result is gorgeous, an eerie un-ghosting, a soul-transforming dance.”

    — Judith Vollmer author of The Sound Boat: New and Selected


    “These ten poems by Gail Langstroth, Ghost Friends, are an evocative tribute to Jean Valentine. Langstroth invites us to embark upon a journey through a concise, vital, and pristine lyric.”

    — Jorge Olivera Castillo author of Quemar las naves

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